Research aimed at obtaining applicable evidence in the application process for the use of wooden shelves for cheese ripening.

Project details

Abbreviation: GAZTANOLA

Start date: 2023-10-01End date: 2024-12-31

Funding: Berriker 2023 Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco – 00012-BGI2023-54 Espedientea


The main objective of the GAZTANOLA project is to carry out research activities in order to obtain scientific evidence, so that the Basque cheese sector can make use of the results in the process of requesting an exception for the use of wooden shelves from the Health Authorities.

The research activities are focused on three main groups:

1) Bibliographic analysis: focused on the search for evidence that proves the traditionality of blue and pressed paste cheeses.

2) Microbiological research: focused on investigating the innocuousness of the wooden shelves, as well as the bioprotective benefit provided to the cheese.

3) Application of the sensory analysis methodology: in order to investigate that the wooden shelves provide a sensory benefit to the cheese, giving it typicity and uniqueness.

  • Leartiker S.COOP



  • Esnekigileen Euskal Elkartea (EEE)
  • HAZI Fundazioa
  • Elika Fundazioa
Activities carried out by Leartiker
  • Bibliographic search with the objective of obtaining evidence that blue and pressed paste cheeses are foods with traditional characteristics.  
  • To carry out research activities that can demonstrate the safety of wooden shelves in the ripening of blue and pressed paste cheeses, compared to other materials such as plastic or metal.
  • To carry out research activities that can demonstrate and justify that the use of wooden shelves has a benefit on blue cheeses and pressed paste cheeses compared to other materials such as plastic or metal; from a microbiological and sensory point of view.
  • To generate documentation that gathers the results of the different research activities carried out that can be used in a practical way by the cheese sector of the Basque Country in the process of requesting an exception to the Basque Department of Public Health, in order to be able to use wooden shelves in the ripening of cheeses.
  • To carry out dissemination activities to inform the cheese sector of the results obtained in the project.



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