Increasing the competitive potential of SMEs in the traditional dairy and cheese sector in the POCTEFA territory through the transfer of knowledge on sustainability.

Project details

Abbreviation: KNOW N CHEESE

Start date: 2024-01-01End date: 2026-12-31

Budget: 1.338.816 €

Centre bugdet: 438.212 €

Funding: Importe FEDER: 870.230,45€ / INTERREG POCTEFA 2021-2027 programa (1. deialdia), Europar Batasunak kofinantzatua.


The objective of Know N Cheese is to increase the competitiveness of micro-SMEs and SMEs in the traditional dairy and cheese sector in the POCTEFA area through the generation of new knowledge to empower the sector and raise consumer awareness of the social and environmental sustainability associated with this type of production. In order to achieve this general objective, the following will be carried out:

  • A diagnosis of the level of knowledge of traditional producers and consumers on this subject.
  • The development of tests to assess the impact of climate change on the technological properties of milk and food safety aspects, and to assess the extent to which dairy production and processing contribute to climate change.
  • The study of the effect of the application of innovative practices and solutions aimed at generating more sustainable production models. 
  • Capacity building and training based on the results obtained in the studies and trials carried out, aimed at the different actors in the dairy sector and consumers in the POCTEFA region.
  • Leartiker
  • Universidad de Vic
  • HAZI Fundazioa
  • Institut de l’Elevage
  • Association Interprofessionnelle du lait et produits laitiers de brebis des Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Activities carried out by Leartiker
  • Lead partner of the project. Leader of project management and communication.
  • Technology watch for the identification of knowledge and solutions in the field of sustainability that can be implemented in SMEs in the sector.
  • Testing and measuring the impact of climate change on food safety and on the nutritional and technological properties of milk.
  • Research and development on a pilot scale of innovative dairy products in the territory with market potential.







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